Fun Day Monday - Links 9/2/2013

Happy Labor Day from all of us here at
We want you to start off your week with a Fun Day Monday. Fun Day Monday is an assortment of links that we find interesting, educational, fun and brilliant. So enjoy and have a Fun Day Monday! 

Spoken word poet Sarah Kay

-- How to Save Yourself $21,000 and Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks - A brilliant article by my friend Justin Miller of

-- "What's The Last Photo On Your Phone?" - A project by Ivan Cash that give you a glimpse of people and their pictures.

-- Planning your next vacation? How about staying in one of these unique dwellings. -  airbnb is an amazing to way lodge while touring the world.

-- The best BBQ in my book - Cooking with wood pellets.

-- Online educational resources  - Where was this when I was in school?

-- Looking to enter the world of meditation? I am, and I'm now hooked on the Headspace App by Andy Puddicombe a former Buddhist monk. Take it for a spin.
